Man and young child recycling in a forest discuss how to recycle hearing aids.

How can you recycle used hearing aids? Whether they belonged to a departed relative or you chose to update your hearing aids to something fancier such as a cochlear implant, the answer is the same: donate your used hearing aids rather than throwing them away.

There are plenty of people suffering from loss of hearing who could use a donated hearing aid, and a number of institutions out there that collect and circulate those hearing aids to the individuals in need. Keep reading to learn how and why to donate pre-owned hearing aids.

Why You Should Look Into Donating Your Pre-Owned Hearing Aids

First, here are a few important stats about hearing loss and hearing aids in the United States:

  • About 14% of the total population, has loss of hearing
  • 91% of adults suffering from hearing loss are above the age of 50
  • There is evidence of loss of hearing in 15% of school aged children
  • Approximately 29 million adults with hearing loss can benefit from hearing aids, but…
  • …only 16% (4.6 million) of them actually use hearing aids
  • The average age for first-time hearing aid users is 70, but again…
  • Fewer than 30% of people over 70 who require hearing aids have ever used them

This is really troubling. Because untreated hearing loss has been associated with multiple health issues from an increased risk of falling to cognitive decline and depression. The relevance of your hearing to your general health is supported by new research being released all of the time. Getting hearing aids can prevent these health problems (and in certain situations even reverse them).

And loss of hearing will cost the average family up to $12,000 every year which should be a really compelling point. But that cost can actually be decreased by up to 50% with hearing aids.

It might not be possible for families who lose $12,000 a year to afford hearing aids.

For an individual in need, who can’t afford a hearing aid, your old hearing aids can have a huge effect on their financial stability, quality of life, and health. It may also cost a child the ability to go to college and better their lives because they are unable to hear in school.

How to Donate Your Used Hearing Aid

There are many volunteer organizations and makers who help recycle old hearing aids. Come and talk with us so we can advise you on the right recycling option for you. Or give us a call.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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