Woman and man cuddling on a park bench after getting hearing aids to improve their relationship.

You care deeply about your loved ones and want to do something to let them know? Listen to your loved ones, truly listen. That requires, of course, the ability to hear.

Studies reveal millions of people would benefit from using hearing aids because one out of three adults between the ages of 65 and 74 have some amount of hearing loss. Regrettably, only around 30% of these individuals actually use their hearing aids.

Diminishing hearing, depression, higher instances of dementia, and strained relationships are some outcomes of this inaction. Many people experiencing hearing loss simply suffer in silence.

But spring is right around the corner. Spring should be a time when we take pleasure in blossoming flowers, emerging foliage, starting new things, and growing closer to loved ones. Talking candidly about hearing loss can be a good way to renew relationships.

It’s Important to Have “The Talk”

Dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, is 2.4 times more likely in individuals who have neglected hearing loss according to many studies. A cascade effect that eventually affects the overall brain can be initiated when there’s reduced activity in the part of your brain responsible for hearing. This is referred to as “brain atrophy” by doctors. It’s the “use it or lose it” principle in action.

People with hearing loss have almost two times as many cases of depression than individuals who have healthy hearing. Research demonstrates that as a person’s hearing loss gets worse, they often become anxious and agitated. The individual might begin to isolate themselves from friends and family. They’re likely to fall deeper into melancholy as they stop participating in activities once loved.

Strained relationships between friends and family members is frequently the result of this isolation.

Solving The Mystery

Your loved one may not feel that they can talk to you about their hearing issues. Fear or shame could be a problem for them. They could be in denial. You might need to do a little detective work to determine when it’s time to initiate the conversation.

Because it’s not possible for you to directly know how impaired your spouse’s hearing loss is, you might need to rely on some of the following clues:

  • Agitation or anxiety in social settings that you haven’t previously seen
  • Cranking the volume way up on the TV
  • essential sounds, like someone calling their name, a doorbell, or a warning alarm are often missed
  • Ringing, buzzing, and other sounds that no one else hears
  • Staying away from conversations
  • Sudden trouble with work, hobbies, or school
  • Avoiding busy places
  • Frequent misunderstandings

Plan to have a heart-to-heart conversation with your loved one if you observe any of these common symptoms.

The Hearing Loss Talk – Here’s How

It may be difficult to have this talk. You might get the brush off or even a more defensive reaction from a partner in denial. That’s why approaching hearing loss in the proper manner is so important. The steps will be the basically same even though you may have to modify your language based on your distinct relationship.

Step 1: Tell them you love them unconditionally and appreciate your relationship.

Step 2: Their health is important to you and you’re worried. You’ve done the research. You know that neglected hearing loss can cause a higher chance of dementia and depression. That’s not what you want for your loved one.

Step 3: You’re also concerned about your own health and safety. An overly loud TV could harm your hearing. In addition, research has shown that loud noise can lead to anxiety, which might effect your relationship. Your loved one may not hear you calling for help if you’ve fallen down or somebody’s broken into the house.

People connect with others through emotion. Simply listing facts won’t be as effective as painting an emotional picture of the possible consequences.

Step 4: Agree together to schedule an appointment to get a hearing exam. After deciding, make the appointment as soon as possible. Don’t wait.

Step 5: Be prepared for your loved ones to have some objections. These might occur anytime during the process. You know this individual. What will their objections be? Money? Time? Are they convinced it’s not a big deal? Do they think they can use homemade remedies? You recognize “natural hearing loss cures” don’t really work and could do more harm than good.

Be ready with your answers. You could even rehearse them in the mirror. You should address your loved one’s doubts but you don’t need to adhere to this exact plan word-for-word.

Grow Your Relationship

If your loved one is not willing to talk, it can be a tough situation. But you’ll get your loved one the help they require to live a long healthy life and grow closer by having this talk. Growing closer – isn’t that what love is all about?

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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