Woman with short curly hair reading about hearing tests on her phone contemplating scheduling and exam

When should you get a hearing test? Here are four signs that you need to have your hearing assessed.

Recently, my kids complained about how loud my TV was. And guess what my reply was. I said, “What”? It was a joke. I thought it was amusing. But, in some ways, it was anything but funny. The TV has been getting progressively louder. And that got me thinking that maybe it’s time for a hearing assessment.

It really doesn’t make much sense to neglect getting a hearing assessment. Hearing assessments don’t cause you any discomfort, they’re non-invasive, and there isn’t any radiation. You’ve most likely just been putting it on the back-burner.

You should really be more diligent about staying on top of your hearing because, if left unchecked, it can affect your overall health.

Hearing exams are essential for a wide variety of reasons. It’s often difficult for you to identify the earliest indications of hearing loss without one, and even slight hearing impairment can impact your health.

So how will you know if you should schedule an appointment? Here are several ways to tell if you need to come see us.

You should get your hearing tested if you experience these signs

It’s time to get a professional hearing test if you’ve been noticing signs of hearing loss recently. Obviously, if things are hard to hear, that’s a pretty strong indication of hearing loss.

But that’s not the only symptom, and there are some signs of hearing impairment that are far less apparent:

  • It sounds like everybody’s mumbling all the time: Sometimes, it’s not loss of volume you need to worry about, it’s a loss of distinction. Trouble making out conversations is one of the first signs that something is going bad with your hearing. If you experience this happening more and more, you might want to make an appointment for a hearing exam.
  • Persistent ringing in your ears: A common sign of injured hearing is a ringing in the ears, also called tinnitus. If you’re dealing with some ringing that won’t go away, it might or might not be a sign of hearing loss. But if the ringing won’t clear itself up, you should definitely come see us for a hearing test.
  • You don’t always hear alerts for text messages: Mobile devices are manufactured to be loud enough for you to hear. So if you’re frequently missing calls or text messages, it may be because you aren’t hearing them. And perhaps, when you think about it, you’re missing out on more everyday sounds.
  • It’s difficult to hear in noisy places: Have you ever had a hard time following along with conversations because of ambient noise in a crowded room? That may actually be a sign of hearing loss. Being able to identify sounds is one sign of a healthy ear; this ability tends to diminish as hearing loss worsens.

This list is not exhaustive, here are a few more:

  • Your ear is still plugged after an infection
  • You take specific medications that can harm your hearing
  • You can’t easily identify where specific sounds are originating
  • You experience vertigo
  • Your ears aren’t clearing earwax completely

This list, obviously, isn’t complete. There are other instances of warning signs (if, for example, the volume on your TV is maxed out and you still wish it could go just a little louder). But any one of these symptoms is worth following up on.

Routine examinations

But how should you deal with it when you’re not certain if you have any signs of hearing loss. Is there a guideline for how frequently you should schedule a hearing exam? With all of the other guidelines for everything, this one seems like a no-brainer. There are, in fact, some recommendations.

  • Get a primary exam done sometime after you’re 21. That way, you’ll have a standard of your mature hearing.
  • Every three years or so will be a practical schedule if your hearing seems normal. That can be a huge chunk of time to pay attention to, so make sure they’re marked in your medical records somewhere.
  • You’ll want to get tested immediately if you detect any signs of hearing loss and after that once a year.

Routine examinations can help you detect hearing loss before any red flags develop. The earlier you obtain treatment, the better you’ll be able to preserve your hearing into the future. So it’s time to pick up the phone and make an appointment for a hearing test.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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